Natural Wood Veneer >> Ebony – Amara


Botanical: Diospyros celebica

Type of Cut Shown: Quartered

Type of Figure: None

General Spec #: SB.2402.A

Price Range as Shown: Valuable

Availability as Shown: Somewhat Rare

Ebony – Amara
Ebony – Amara

General Information:

This species is of interest because some won’t even acknowledge it as Ebony, although the genus and species are the exact same as of Macassar Ebony.  The difference has to do with growing region.  Though both are found in Indonesia, Macassar is endimic to Sulawesi Island and is actually named for the capitol city there, Makassar.

Amara tends to have more red coloration in the sapwood, whereas Macassar is more blonde to brown.  Amara is also a little bit softer than Macassar, and finishes differently.  In terms of veneer, the Amara has taken the place of Macassar in terms of availability, although still not as popular in the US as in other parts of the world.

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